Priročnik Camry CR 7935 Odganjalec škodljivcev

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Camry CR 7935 Odganjalec škodljivcev? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 0 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in ima 0 glasov. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

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The device is resistant to rain, sun and moisture, but do not soak it.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVICE: CR7935 insecticidal lamp
1. Handle 2. Hook 3. Top ring 4. Blinds 5. High voltage grid
6.. Lower lampshade 7. LED diode for charging process control 8. Ultra UV LED 595nm lamps for insect killing
9. LED lamps 360-395 nm with 3 levels of intensity for lighting a tent or outdoors
10. USB type B socket for charging the built-in battery 11. Switch on / low light / medium light / strong light / off
12. Bottom of insecticide lamp
Place on the table top or hang the device by the hook (2) built into the handle (3) in the desired place, inside the tent, in the shed or
1. Turn on the light with the switch (11). The lower lampshade (6) will illuminate the inside of the tent.
2. The second and third press of the button (11) will increase the light intensity.
3. The fourth pressing of the button (11) will switch off the lower lamp shade (6).
The device attracts insects with ultraviolet light (8) with an ULTRA UV 595nm wavelength. The light source is wrapped in a special high
voltage grid (5) in front of the light source. High voltage flowing through the grid causes electric shock to insects and leads to their death.
A soft click is heard, dead insects fall to the bottom of the insecticide lamp (12), which must be emptied regularly.
The method of use is important for performance.
Recommended lamp height is 1.5 meters as optimal for moths and 1.0 meter for mosquitoes. Placing the device in a darker place has a
positive effect on the efficiency, because the sun's rays weaken the radiation strength of UV diodes. Turn on the device before turning on
the light or suddenly turn off all strong lights for 10-20 minutes.
1. Holding the top ring (3) turn it clockwise, the blinds (4) will reveal the insecticide lamp hidden inside while turning it on.
2. Slide the top ring (3) to the left to close the blinds (4) and thus turn off the insecticide lamp.
1. Before cleaning or maintenance, switch off the device from the power supply and the switch (11).
2. Do not use chemical cleaning agents for cleaning. The device is waterproof, however, do not wet clean the device. Clean the high
voltage grid (5) with a brush to get rid of the remains of insect bodies.
3. Regularly clean the bottom of the lamp (12) from bodies of dead insects by tilting the lamp and spilling them.
4. Make sure the device is completely dry before switching it on again.
High voltage on grid: 1000V Lifetime of the light sources 8.000 hours
Rated output power: DC 5 V 1 A
Battery capacity: 2000mAh
Charging time: 4 hours
Working time: 10-16 hours
Power: 2W
IPX4 - housing resistant to rain and moisture.
To protect your environment: please separate carton boxes and plastic bags and dispose them in corresponding waste
bins. Used appliance should be delivered to the dedicated collecting points due to hazarsous components, which may
effect the environment. Do not dispose this appliance in the common waste bin.
Device is made in class I of insulation.
Device is compliant with EU directives:
Low voltage directive (LVD)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Device marked CE mark on rating label
Die Garantiebedingungen sind unterschiedlich, wenn das Gerät für gewerbliche Zwecke
verwendet wird.
1. Bevor Sie das Produkt verwenden, lesen Sie es bitte sorgfältig durch und befolgen Sie
immer die folgenden Anweisungen. Der Hersteller haftet nicht für Schäden, die durch
unsachgemäßen Gebrauch entstehen.
2. Das Produkt darf nur in Innenräumen verwendet werden. Verwenden Sie das Produkt
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 3.33 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



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Blagovna znamka Camry
Model CR 7935
Kategorija Odganjalci škodljivcev
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 3.33 MB

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