Priročnik Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 8 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in 2 glasov s povprečno oceno izdelka 50/100. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

Ali je vaš izdelek okvarjen in v priročniku ne najdete rešitve? Obiščite Repair Café za brezplačno popravilo.



EN Electric Hover Lawnmower
1. SAFETY ...............................................4
2. ASSEMBLY ............................................5
3. OPERATION ............................................5
4. MAINTENANCE .........................................6
5. STORAGE .............................................6
6. TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................6
7. TECHNICAL DATA .......................................7
8. ACCESSORIES .........................................7
9. SERVICE / WARRANTY .................................... 7
Original instructions.
This product may be used under super-
vision, or if instruction regarding the safe
use of the product has been provided and the
resulting dangers have been understood, by chil-
dren aged 8 and above, as well as by persons
with physical, sensory or mental disabilities or
alack of experience and knowledge. Children
must not be allowed to play with the product.
Cleaning and user maintenance must not be
performed by children without supervision.
The use of this product by young people under
the age of 16 is not recommended.
Intended use:
The FLYMO Lawnmower is intended to mow lawn in private domestic
gardens and allotments.
The product is not intended for long term use.
DANGER! Risk of injury!
v Do not use the product to cut bushes, hedges, shrubs, to cut
of climbers or grass on roofs or balcony boxes, to chop up
branches, twigs and to level irregularities in the soil. Do not
use the product on a slope steeper than 20° maximum.
Read the operator’s manual carefully before use and keep for future
Symbols on the product:
Read operator’s manual.
Keep bystanders away.
Beware of sharp blades. Blades continue to rotate
after the motor is switched off. Remove plug from
mains before maintenance or if cord is damaged.
Keep the mains cable away from the cutting blades.
General safety warnings
Electrical safety
DANGER! Electric shock!
Risk of injury due to electric shock.
v The product must be supplied through a residual current device (RCD)
having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA.
WARNING! Risk of physical injury!
Cut injury when the blade turns or the product starts accidentally.
v Disconnect the product from the mains before you do maintenance or
you replace parts. Thereby the disconnected socket must be in the
visual range.
If extension cables are used, these must comply with the minimum cross-
sections in the table below:
Voltage Cable length Cross section
220 – 240 V / 50 Hz Up to 40 m 1.0 mm²
220 – 240 V / 50 Hz Up to 60 m 1.5 mm²
220 – 240 V / 50 Hz Up to 100 m 2.5 mm²
Minimum rating: 1.0 mm² size cable, 10 amps 250 volts AC.
Your product is supplied with cable wired directly into the product.
1. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by your local Husqvarna
UK Ltd. Approved Service Centre or similarly qualified persons in order to
avoid a hazard.
2. Do not wire an extension cable directly to your product yourself. Please con-
tact your local Husqvarna UK Ltd. Approved Service Centre for further infor-
mation on the connectors and kits available.
3. Only use extension cables specifically designed for outdoor use and which
conform to one of the following specifications: Ordinary rubber (60245 IEC 53),
Ordinary PVC (60227 IEC 53) or Ordinary PCP (60245 IEC 57).
a) Read the instructions carefully. Be familiar with the controls and the correct
use of the machine.
b) Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use the
machine. Local regulations can restrict the age of the operator.
c) Never operate the machine while people, especially children, or pets are
d) Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards
occurring to other people or their property.
a) While operating the machine always wear substantial footwear and long trou-
sers. Do not operate the machine when barefoot or wearing open sandals.
Avoid wearing clothing that is loose fitting or that hanging cords or ties.
b) Thoroughly inspect the area where the machine is to be used and remove all
objects which can be thrown by the machine.
c) Before using, always visually inspect to see that the blade, blade bolt and the
blade assembly are not worn or damaged. Replace worn or damaged com-
ponents in set to preserve balance. Replace damaged or unreadable labels.
d) Before use check the supply and extension cord for signs of damage or
aging. If the cord becomes damaged during use, disconnect the cord from
the supply immediately.
Do not use the machine if the cord is damaged or worn.
a) Operate the machine only in daylight or in good artificial light.
b) Avoid operating the machine in wet grass.
c) Always be sure of your footing on slopes.
d) Walk, never run.
e) Mow across the face of slopes, never up and down.
f) Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes.
g) Do not mow excessively steep slopes.
h) Use extreme caution when reversing or pulling the machine towards you.
i) Stop the blade(s) if the machine has to be tilted for transportation when cross-
ing surfaces other than grass, and when transporting the machine to and from
area to be used.
j) Never operate the machine with defective guards or shields, or without safety
devices, for example deflectors and / or grass collector, in place.
k) Switch on the motor carefully according to instructions and with feet well
away from the blade(s).
l) Do not tilt the machine when switching on the motor, except if the machine
has to be tilted for starting. In this case, do not tilt it more than absolutely
necessary and lift only the part, which is away from the operator.
m) Do not start the machine when standing in front of the discharge opening.
n) Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts. Keep clear of the
discharge opening at all times.
o) Do not transport the machine while the power source is running.
) Stop the machine, and remove plug from the socket. Make sure that all
moving parts have come to a complete stop.
whenever you leave the machine,
before clearing blockages or unclogging chute,
before checking, cleaning or working on the machine,
after striking a foreign object. Inspect the machine for damage and make
repairs before restarting and operating the machine;
if the machine starts to vibrate abnormally (check immediately)
inspect for damage,
replace or repair any damaged parts,
check for and tighten any loose parts.
Page 2 width 2 mm less: 208 mm
SG300EU-20.960.01.indd 4 24.10.20 07:07
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 9.64 MB)
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Povejte nam, kaj menite o Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica, tako da oddate oceno izdelka. Ali želite deliti svoje izkušnje z izdelkom ali postaviti vprašanje? Oddajte komentar na dnu strani.
Ali ste zadovoljni z Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica?
Da Ne
2 glasovi

Pridružite se pogovoru o tem izdelku

Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Flymo. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Flymo
Model SimpliGlide 360
Kategorija Vrtne kosilnice
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 9.64 MB

Vsi priročniki za Flymo Vrtne kosilnice
Več priročnikov za Vrtne kosilnice

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Kako vem, kdaj moram nabrusiti rezila vrtne kosilnice? Potrjeno

Ostra rezila naredijo čisti rez.Topa rezila travo grobo odrežejo, trava pa bo hitro postala rjava.Če po košenju ostane scefrana trava, rezila nabrusite ali zamenjajte.

To je bilo koristno (2407) Preberi več

Kaj je mulčenje? Potrjeno

Nekatere kosilnice lahko mulčijo. Mulčenje drobno raztrga travo in jo odpihne nazaj na travnik. Tam zastirka deluje kot prehrana in zaščita trave.

To je bilo koristno (790) Preberi več

Po nesreči sem v bencinsko kosilnico vtaknil dizel, kaj naj storim? Potrjeno

NE uporabljajte kosilnice. Edina možnost je popolnoma izprazniti rezervoar in ga napolniti s pravim gorivom.

To je bilo koristno (720) Preberi več

Katera je najboljša dolžina moje trave? Potrjeno

Da se trava ne izsuši, ne sme biti prekratka. Bolje je, da travo kosite pogosteje, kot da jo prekratko kosite. Optimalna dolžina je med 3 in 4 centimetri.

To je bilo koristno (420) Preberi več

Ali lahko kosim travo, ko je mokra? Potrjeno

Možno je, vendar ni priporočljivo. Ko je trava mokra, se bo med košnjo strgala, kar preprečuje optimalen rezultat.

To je bilo koristno (284) Preberi več

Kdaj je pravi trenutek, da pokosim svojo trato? Potrjeno

Najboljši meseci za košnjo trate so od marca do oktobra. Košnjo je treba opraviti enkrat ali dvakrat na teden, odvisno od tega, kako hitro raste trava. Najboljši čas dneva za košnjo trave je konec popoldneva in nikoli na polni sončni svetlobi. S tem preprečimo, da bi se trava po kositvi izsušila.

To je bilo koristno (255) Preberi več

Na kateri površini travnika izberem električno kosilnico in na kateri površini bencinsko kosilnico? Potrjeno

Za površine do 300 m² lahko uporabite baterijsko kosilnico. Za površine, večje od te, je priporočljivo uporabiti bencinsko kosilnico.

To je bilo koristno (206) Preberi več

Ali lahko pustim, da robotska kosilnica deluje ponoči? Potrjeno

Bolje je, da ne pustite robotske kosilnice delati ponoči. Nekatere živali, kot so ježi, so večinoma aktivne ponoči. Pogosto niso dovolj hitri, da bi pobegnili iz robotske kosilnice in jih lahko hudo ranijo ali ubijejo.

To je bilo koristno (206) Preberi več
Priročnik Flymo SimpliGlide 360 Vrtna kosilnica

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