Priročnik Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 3 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in ima 0 glasov. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

Ali je vaš izdelek okvarjen in v priročniku ne najdete rešitve? Obiščite Repair Café za brezplačno popravilo.



Before you install the hob, make sure that
• the work surface is square and level, and no
structural members interfere with space
• the work surface is made of a heat-resistant
• if the hob is installed above an oven, the oven
has a built-in cooling fan
• the installation will comply with all clearance
requirements and applicable standards and
• a suitable isolating switch providing full
disconnection from the mains power supply is
incorporated in the permanent wiring, mounted
and positioned to comply with the local wiring
rules and regulations.
The isolating switch must be of an approved
type and provide a 3 mm air gap contact
separation in all poles (or in all active [phase]
conductors if the local wiring rules allow for this
variation of the requirements)
• the isolating switch will be easily accessible to
the customer with the hob installed
• you consult local building authorities and
by-laws if in doubt regarding installation
• you use heat-resistant and easy-to-clean
finishes (such as ceramic tiles) for the wall
surfaces surrounding the hob.
When you have installed the hob, make sure
• the power supply cable is not accessible
through cupboard doors or drawers
• there is adequate flow of fresh air from outside
the cabinetry to the base of the hob
• if the hob is installed above a drawer or
cupboard space, a thermal protection barrier is
installed below the base of the hob
• the isolating switch is easily accessible by the
Before locating the fixing brackets
The unit should be placed on a stable, smooth
surface (use the packaging). Do not apply force
onto the controls protruding from the hob.
Adjusting the bracket position
Fix the hob on the work surface by screwing 4
brackets on the bottom of hob(see picture) after
1. The induction h
qualified personnel or technicians. Please
never conduct the poeration by yourself.
2. The hob must not be installed directly above a
dishwasher, fridge, freezer, washing machine
or tumble dryer, as the humidity may damage
the hobs electronics
3. The induction hob should be installed in such
ion can be ensured
4. The wall and induced heating zone above the
table surface shall withstand heat.
5. To avoid any damage, the sandwich layer and
adhesive must be resistant to heat.
Connecting the hob to the mains power
This hob must be connected to the mains
power supply only by a suitably qualified
Before connecting the hob to the mains
power supply, check that:
1. The domestic wiring system is suitable
for the power drawn by the hob.
2. The voltage corresponds to the value
given in the rating plate
3. The power supply cable sections can
withstand the load specified on the rating plate.
The power supply cable must not touch
any hot parts and must be positioned so that its
temperature will not exceed 75
C at any
Check with an electrician whether the
domestic wiring system is suitable without
alterations. Any alterations must only be made
by a domestic qualified electrician.
The power supply should be connected in
compliance with the relevant standard, or a
single-pole circuit breaker. the method of
connection is shown below.
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ob must be installed by
a way that better heat radiat
to enhance its reliability.
Adapters,reducers or branching devices
must not be used to connect the hob to the mains
power supply, as they can cause overheating and
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 9.97 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



Povejte nam, kaj menite o Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča, tako da oddate oceno izdelka. Ali želite deliti svoje izkušnje z izdelkom ali postaviti vprašanje? Oddajte komentar na dnu strani.
Ali ste zadovoljni z Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča?
Da Ne
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0 glasovi

Pridružite se pogovoru o tem izdelku

Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Hoover. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Hoover
Kategorija Grelne plošče
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 9.97 MB

Vsi priročniki za Hoover Grelne plošče
Več priročnikov za Grelne plošče

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Katere posode lahko uporabite na indukcijski kuhalni plošči? Potrjeno

Na splošno je vse magnetne posode mogoče uporabljati na indukcijski kuhalni plošči. Skoraj vse nove posode so primerne za indukcijo.

To je bilo koristno (1384) Preberi več

Moja kuhalna plošča ima vtič, ki ne ustreza običajni vtičnici, kaj naj storim? Potrjeno

Številne električne kuhalne plošče (tako keramične kot indukcijske) imajo drugačen vtič. To je zato, ker ti aparati zahtevajo veliko energije. Namestitev naprave naj opravi strokovnjak.

To je bilo koristno (1314) Preberi več

Zakaj vžig na mojem območju doseže klik? Potrjeno

Če je domer očiščen z veliko vode, so se gumbi morda zmočili in sprožili vžig. Pustite, da se gumbi posušijo. Če težava ni odpravljena, se obrnite na proizvajalca.

To je bilo koristno (1123) Preberi več
Priročnik Hoover HESD4 WIFI Grelna plošča

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