Priročnik Hoover SE71_SE60011 Sesalnik

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Hoover SE71_SE60011 Sesalnik? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 9 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in ima 0 glasov. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

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Emptying the Dust Container
When the dust reaches the max level indicator on the container, empty the dust container.
IMPORTANT: To maintain optimum performance, do not allow the dust to sit higher than the
max level.
1. Release the dust container by sliding the dust container release button towards the front
of the cleaner. Lift the dust container from the cleaner main body. [14]
2. Before emptying the Dust Container, gently tap it against the side of a bin to release any
excess dust from the lter.
3. To empty the Dust Container, hold the Dust Container over a bin with one hand and use
the other hand to press the Dust Container Flap Opening Button to release the dust into
the bin. [15]
4. Close the Dust Container Flap and ret the Dust Container to the cleaner main body.
Cleaning the Washable Filters
The cleaner is tted with a pre-motor and exhaust lter. To maintain optimum cleaning
performance, regularly clean the lters. Remove excess dust from the lters by gently tapping
them against the side of a bin. The lters should be washed after every 5 container empties.
IMPORTANT: All bagless cleaners require regular lter cleaning. Failure to clean your
lters may result in air blockage, overheating and product failure. This may invalidate
your guarantee.
IMPORTANT: Regularly check and maintain the lters by following the lter maintenance
instructions, it is also recommended that you purchase new lters after every 3rd lter
wash. This will maintain your cleaners performance.
To access the pre-motor lter:
1. Empty the Dust Container as described in ‘Emptying the Dust Container. Then, keeping
the Dust Container Flap open:
2. Remove the pre-motor lter by rotating it clockwise at the bottom of the Dust Container. [16]
3. Separate the protective mesh from the lter. [17] Gently tap both the protective mesh
and the lter against the side of a bin to remove excess dust and wash both of them
under warm water. [18] Do not use hot water or detergents.
4. Remove excess water from the lter and leave it to dry fully before reusing. [21]
5. Once the lter is fully dry, reassemble the lter pack (protective mesh and lter) and ret
to cleaner.
IMPORTANT: Do not use the product without the pre-motor lter pack tted.
IMPORTANT: Always ensure the lter packs are fully dry before use.
To access the exhaust lter:
1. Unclip the exhaust grid from the rear of the cleaner. [19]
2. Separate the lter from the grid and wash the lter under warm water. [20] Do not use
hot water or detergents.
3. Remove excess water from the lter and leave to dry fully before reusing. [21]
4. Remount the lter into the grid and ret it to the cleaner.
Remember: Do not use hot water or detergents. In the unlikely event of the lters becoming
damaged, t a Genuine Hoover consumable. Do not try and use the product without a lter tted.
Removing a Blockage
1. Check if the Dust Container is full. If so refer to ‘Emptying The Dust Container’.
2. If the Dust Container is empty, but suction is still low;
A. Do the lters need cleaning? If so refer to ‘Cleaning the Washable Filters.
B. Check if there is any other blockage in the system - Use a rod or a pole to remove any
blockage from the tubes or hose.
C. Check for and clear any blockage in the Nozzle
WARNING - If the cleaner is used for a signicant period of time with a blockage, a thermal cut
out will switch the cleaner o to prevent overheating. The bag check indicator turn green once
the cleaner has switched o to signal that the thermal cut out has been activated. If this should
happen, switch the cleaner o, unplug and correct the fault. It will take about 45 minutes for
the cut out to automatically reset.
Should you have a problem with the product, complete this simple user checklist before calling
your local Hoover service.
Is there a working electricity supply to the cleaner? Please check with another electrical
Is the Bag over-filled? Please refer to ‘Cleaner Maintenance.
Is the filter blocked? Please refer to ‘Cleaner Maintenance.
Is the hose or nozzle blocked? Please refer to ‘Removing a Blockage’.
Has the cleaner overheated? If so, it will take approximately 45 minutes to automatically
Hoover Spares and Consumables
Always replace parts with genuine Hoover spares. These are available from your local Hoover
dealer or direct from Hoover. When ordering parts always quote your model number.
Hoover’s factories have been independently assessed for quality. Our products are made using
a quality system which meets the requirements of ISO 9001.
Your Guarantee
The guarantee conditions for this appliance are as dened by our representative in the country
in which it is sold. Details regarding these conditions can be obtained from the dealer from
whom the appliance was purchased. The bill of sale or receipt must be produced when making
any claim under the terms of this guarantee.
Subject to change without notice.
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 1.8 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



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Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Hoover SE71_SE60011 Sesalnik. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Hoover SE71_SE60011 Sesalnik. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Hoover. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Hoover SE71_SE60011 Sesalnik v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Hoover
Model SE71_SE60011
Kategorija Sesalniki
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 1.8 MB

Vsi priročniki za Hoover Sesalniki
Več priročnikov za Sesalniki

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Hoover SE71_SE60011 Sesalnik

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Cev mojega sesalnika je zamašena, kaj lahko storim? Potrjeno

Odklopite cev in jo preglejte, da ugotovite, ali je dejansko zamašena. V tem primeru lahko vzamete dolg predmet, na primer metlo, in ga previdno potisnete skozi cev. S tem boste na splošno odstranili vse predmete, ki zamašijo cev. Če vam to ni pomagalo, se obrnite na proizvajalca.

To je bilo koristno (1468) Preberi več

Kakšne velikosti so vrečke za prah? Potrjeno

Upoštevati je treba dve velikosti. Najprej je velikost plošče z vhodom v vrečo. To določa, ali bo vrečka za prah prilegala določenemu sesalniku. Potem je velikost vrečke. To je večinoma označeno v litrih in določa, koliko prahu lahko vsebuje vreča.

To je bilo koristno (961) Preberi več

Napajalni kabel sesalnika se ne vrne nazaj v napravo. Kaj lahko storim? Potrjeno

Možno je, da se kabel zasuka ali prepogne. Nekajkrat popolnoma razvaljajte kabel in ga pod vodstvom rok zvijte nazaj v napravo. Če to ne reši težave, je možno, da je mehanizem za previjanje vrvice pokvarjen. V tem primeru se obrnite na proizvajalca ali servisno službo.

To je bilo koristno (664) Preberi več

Moj sesalnik zasliši, kaj lahko storim? Potrjeno

To težavo pogosto povzroča polna vreča za prah ali filter ali če obstaja odprtina, ki prepušča zrak v cev. Preverite vrečko za prah in filter ter ju po potrebi zamenjajte. Preverite, ali so na ceveh luknje ali slabe povezave. Če težave ne odpravite, se obrnite na proizvajalca.

To je bilo koristno (558) Preberi več

Kako odstranim prah in dlake z glave ščetke sesalnika? Potrjeno

Odstranjevanje prahu in las z glave ščetke sesalnika je izvedeno ročno. Če to ne gre po želji, lahko s finim glavnikom odstranite preostalo umazanijo.

To je bilo koristno (542) Preberi več

Katero nastavitev na glavi krtače sesalnika naj uporabim? Potrjeno

Skoraj vsi sesalniki imajo glavo z nastavljivo krtačo. Uporabite krtačo za trde površine, da preprečite praske in poškodbe. Izklopite krtačo za preproge in preproge.

To je bilo koristno (425) Preberi več

Ali lahko večkrat uporabim papirnato vrečko za prah? Potrjeno

To ni priporočljivo. Pore ​​vrečke se bodo nasičile, kar bo povzročilo izgubo sesanja in lahko poškodovalo motor.

To je bilo koristno (290) Preberi več

Kaj je HEPA? Potrjeno

HEPA pomeni visoko učinkovit zrak v trdnih delcih. Številni sesalniki imajo HEPA filter. HEPA filter bo ustavil vsaj 85% in največ 99,999995% vseh delcev 0,3 mikrometra (µm) in več.

To je bilo koristno (263) Preberi več

Ali lahko za sesanje pepela uporabim navaden sesalnik? Potrjeno

Ne, to absolutno ni mogoče. Pepel, ki se zdi ohlajen, je v notranjosti še vedno topel ali celo vroč. Običajni sesalnik za to ni zasnovan in lahko povzroči požar. Poleg tega filtri običajnih sesalnikov niso vedno primerni za zadrževanje izredno majhnih delcev, kot je pepel. Nato lahko doseže motor sesalnika in povzroči škodo.

To je bilo koristno (258) Preberi več
Priročnik Hoover SE71_SE60011 Sesalnik

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