Priročnik Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 8 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in 1 glas s povprečno oceno izdelka 0/100. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

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The mower is equipped with a speed adjusting system
which can adjust 3 speeds from 3.0 km/h to 4.5 km/h.
Position : the slowest position; Position : the
fastest position
The step as below:
1. Release the Self-drive control handle until the lawn
mower doesn’t go forward.
2. Adjust the appropriate speed which you want.
(Fig. 22)
3. Grasp the Self-drive control handle to go on mowing.
CAUTION: Your mower is designed to cut normal
residential grass of a height no more than 250 mm.
Do not attempt to mow through unusually tall dry or wet
grass (e.g., pasture) or piles of dry leaves. Debris may
build up on the mower deck or contact the engine exhaust
presenting a potential fire hazard.
Clear lawn of debris. Be sure that the lawn is clear of
stones, sticks, wire or other foreign objects which could be
accidentally thrown out by the mower in any direction and
cause serious personal injury to the operator and others
as well as damage to property and surrounding objects.
Do not cut wet grass. For effective mowing do not cut wet
grass because it tends to stick to the underside of the
deck preventing proper mowing of the grass clippings. Cut
no more than 1/3 the length of the grass. The
recommended cut for mowing is 1/3 the length of the
grass. Ground speed will need to be adjusted so the
clippings can be dispersed evenly into the lawn. For
especially heavy cutting in thick grass it may be
necessary to use one of the slowest speeds in order to get
a clean well mowed cut. When mowing long grass you
may have to cut the lawn in two passes, lowering the
blade another 1/3 of the length for the second cut and
perhaps cutting in a different pattern than was used the
first time. Overlapping the cut a little on each pass will
also help to clean up any stray clippings left on the lawn.
The mower should always be operated at full throttle to
get the best cut and allow it to do the most effective job of
mowing. Clean underside of deck. Be certain to clean the
underside of the cutting deck after each use to avoid a
build-up of grass, which would prevent proper mulching.
Mowing leaves. The mowing of leaves can also be
beneficial to your lawn. When mowing leaves make sure
they are dry and are not laying too thick on the lawn. Do
not wait for all the leaves to be off the trees before you
WARNING: If you strike a foreign object, stop the
engine. Remove wire from spark plug, thoroughly inspect
the mower for any damage and repair the damage before
restarting and operating the mower. Extensive vibration of
the mower during operation is an indication of damage.
The unit should be promptly inspected and repaired.
Empty and clean the bag, make sure it is clean and
ensure its meshwork is ventilated. (Fig. 23)
8-8 DECK
The underside of the mower deck should be cleaned after
each use to prevent a buildup of grass clippings, leaves,
dirt or other matter. If this debris is allowed to accumulate,
it will invite rust and corrosion, and may prevent proper
mulching. The deck may be cleaned by tilting the mower
and scraping clean with a suitable tool (make certain the
spark plug wire is disconnected).
CAUTION: Do not at any time make any
adjustment to lawn mower without first stopping the
engine and disconnecting the spark plug wire.
CAUTION: Before changing mowing height, stop
mower and disconnect spark plug cable.
Your mower is equipped with a central height adjustment
lever offering 5 height positions. (20 mm – 75 mm)
1. Stop mower and disconnect spark plug cable before
changing mower cutting height.
2. The central height adjustment lever offers you
5 different height positions. (Fig. 24)
3. To change the height of cut, squeeze adjuster lever
toward the wheel, moving up or down to selected
height. All wheels will be in the same height of cut.
Use only original replacement spark plug. For best
results, replace the spark plug every 100 hours of use.
1. WHEELS-Lubricate the ball bearings in each wheel at
least once a season with a light oil.
2. ENGINE-Follow engine manual for lubrication
3. STOP CONTROL-Lubricate the pivot points on the
stop control handle and the brake cable at least once
a season with light oil. The stop control must operate
freely in both directions.
CAUTION: Do not hose engine. Water can
damage engine or contaminate the fuel system.
1. Wipe deck with dry cloth.
2. Hose under deck by tilting the mower so that the spark
plug is up.
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 4.18 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



Povejte nam, kaj menite o Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica, tako da oddate oceno izdelka. Ali želite deliti svoje izkušnje z izdelkom ali postaviti vprašanje? Oddajte komentar na dnu strani.
Ali ste zadovoljni z Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica?
Da Ne
1 glas

Pridružite se pogovoru o tem izdelku

Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Makita. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Makita
Model PLM5102
Kategorija Vrtne kosilnice
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 4.18 MB

Vsi priročniki za Makita Vrtne kosilnice
Več priročnikov za Vrtne kosilnice

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Kako vem, kdaj moram nabrusiti rezila vrtne kosilnice? Potrjeno

Ostra rezila naredijo čisti rez.Topa rezila travo grobo odrežejo, trava pa bo hitro postala rjava.Če po košenju ostane scefrana trava, rezila nabrusite ali zamenjajte.

To je bilo koristno (2408) Preberi več

Kaj je mulčenje? Potrjeno

Nekatere kosilnice lahko mulčijo. Mulčenje drobno raztrga travo in jo odpihne nazaj na travnik. Tam zastirka deluje kot prehrana in zaščita trave.

To je bilo koristno (791) Preberi več

Po nesreči sem v bencinsko kosilnico vtaknil dizel, kaj naj storim? Potrjeno

NE uporabljajte kosilnice. Edina možnost je popolnoma izprazniti rezervoar in ga napolniti s pravim gorivom.

To je bilo koristno (720) Preberi več

Katera je najboljša dolžina moje trave? Potrjeno

Da se trava ne izsuši, ne sme biti prekratka. Bolje je, da travo kosite pogosteje, kot da jo prekratko kosite. Optimalna dolžina je med 3 in 4 centimetri.

To je bilo koristno (421) Preberi več

Ali lahko kosim travo, ko je mokra? Potrjeno

Možno je, vendar ni priporočljivo. Ko je trava mokra, se bo med košnjo strgala, kar preprečuje optimalen rezultat.

To je bilo koristno (285) Preberi več

Kdaj je pravi trenutek, da pokosim svojo trato? Potrjeno

Najboljši meseci za košnjo trate so od marca do oktobra. Košnjo je treba opraviti enkrat ali dvakrat na teden, odvisno od tega, kako hitro raste trava. Najboljši čas dneva za košnjo trave je konec popoldneva in nikoli na polni sončni svetlobi. S tem preprečimo, da bi se trava po kositvi izsušila.

To je bilo koristno (256) Preberi več

Na kateri površini travnika izberem električno kosilnico in na kateri površini bencinsko kosilnico? Potrjeno

Za površine do 300 m² lahko uporabite baterijsko kosilnico. Za površine, večje od te, je priporočljivo uporabiti bencinsko kosilnico.

To je bilo koristno (207) Preberi več

Ali lahko pustim, da robotska kosilnica deluje ponoči? Potrjeno

Bolje je, da ne pustite robotske kosilnice delati ponoči. Nekatere živali, kot so ježi, so večinoma aktivne ponoči. Pogosto niso dovolj hitri, da bi pobegnili iz robotske kosilnice in jih lahko hudo ranijo ali ubijejo.

To je bilo koristno (206) Preberi več
Priročnik Makita PLM5102 Vrtna kosilnica

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