Priročnik Philips GC7036 PerfectCare Viva Likalnik

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Philips GC7036 PerfectCare Viva Likalnik? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 5 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in ima 0 glasov. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

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IMPORTANT - Cleaning and maintenance
Smart Calc-Clean System
Your appliance has been designed with a Smart Calc-Clean system to ensure that descaling and
cleaning is done regularly. This helps to maintain a strong steam performance and avoids dirt and
stains coming out of the soleplate over time. To ensure that the cleaning process is performed,
the steam generator gives regular reminders. Besides that, a second defence step to protect the
steam generator from scale is integrated: the steam function gets disabled if descaling is not done
after 1 hour steam ironing once the reminder came up. After descaling is done, the steam function
will be restored. This takes place regardless of the type of water used.
Sound and light Calc-Clean reminder
- After 1 to 3 months of use, the light of the Calc-Clean button starts ashing and the appliance
starts beeping to indicate that you have to perform the Calc-Clean process (Fig. 6).
- You can continue steam ironing for 1 hour while the Calc-Clean light ashes and the appliance
beeps. After 1 hour, the steam function is automatically disabled. You have to perform the
Calc-Clean process before you can continue steam ironing. (Fig. 7)
Performing the Calc-Clean process with the Calc-Clean container
Do not leave the appliance unattended during the Calc-Clean process.
Always perform the Calc-Clean process with the Calc-Clean container. Do not interrupt the
process by lifting the iron up from the Calc-Clean container, as hot water and steam will come
out of the soleplate.
1 Fill up the water tank halfway (Fig. 8).
Note: Make sure that the appliance is plugged in and switched ON during the Calc-Clean process.
2 Place the Calc-Clean container on the ironing board or any other even, stable surface (Fig. 9).
3 Place the iron stably on the Calc-Clean container (Fig 10)
4 Press and hold the CALC-CLEAN button for 2 seconds until you hear short beeps (Fig. 11).
Note: The Calc-Clean container has been designed to collect scale particles and hot water during the
Calc-Clean process. It is perfectly safe to rest the iron on this container during the entire process.
5 During the Calc-Clean process, you hear short beeps and a pumping sound (Fig.12).
Wait approximately 2 minutes for the appliance to complete process. When the Calc-Clean
process is completed, the iron stops beeping and the CALC-CLEAN light stops ashing (Fig. 13).
7 Wipe the iron with a piece of cloth (Fig. 14). Put the iron back on the base station.
Caution: The iron is hot.
8 As the Calc-Clean container becomes hot during the Calc-Clean process, wait approx. 5
minutes before you touch it. Then carry the Calc-Clean container to the sink, empty it and
store it for future use (Fig 15).
9 If necessary, you can repeat steps 1 to 8. Make sure that you empty the Calc-Clean container
before you start the Calc-Clean process.
Note: During the Calc-Clean process, clean water may come out of the soleplate if no scale has
accumulated inside the iron. This is normal.
For more information on how to carry out the Calc-Clean process, refer to the videos in this link:
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 1.16 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



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Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Philips GC7036 PerfectCare Viva Likalnik. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Philips GC7036 PerfectCare Viva Likalnik. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Philips. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Philips GC7036 PerfectCare Viva Likalnik v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Philips
Model GC7036 PerfectCare Viva
Kategorija Likalniki
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 1.16 MB

Vsi priročniki za Philips Likalniki
Več priročnikov za Likalniki

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Philips GC7036 PerfectCare Viva Likalnik

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Ali lahko dno likalnika očistim s čistilnikom? Potrjeno

Ne, to lahko poškoduje dno. Za čiščenje uporabite vlažno krpo ali mehko gobo.

To je bilo koristno (370) Preberi več

Kakšne so razlike med parnim likalnikom in običajnim likalnikom? Potrjeno

Največja prednost parnega likalnika je, da zaradi uporabe pare lažje odstranjuje gube. Običajno likalnik je nasprotno veliko lažji in pogosto cenejši.

To je bilo koristno (301) Preberi več

Podplat mojega železa je razbarvan, ali lahko z njim še vedno likam? Potrjeno

To je mogoče, vendar obstaja verjetnost, da se bo podrgnilo na oblačilih svetle barve.

To je bilo koristno (254) Preberi več

Ali lahko likam gumbe? Potrjeno

Ne, to bo poškodovalo podplat likalnika in to bo preprečilo pravilno delovanje likalnika. Nikoli ne likajte gumbov, zadrg ali drugih trdih predmetov.

To je bilo koristno (177) Preberi več

Na spodnjem delu likalnika Philips so praske, ali ga lahko še vedno uporabljam? Potrjeno

Ja, to ni problem. Dno je narejeno iz več plasti in lahko prenese manjše praske. Likalnik bo še vedno deloval, kot bi moral.

To je bilo koristno (52) Preberi več
Priročnik Philips GC7036 PerfectCare Viva Likalnik

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