Priročnik Toshiba RAS-4M23SAV-E Klimatska naprava

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Toshiba RAS-4M23SAV-E Klimatska naprava? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 8 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in ima 0 glasov. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

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When the air-conditioning unit does not cool or warm, there may be a leakage of refrigerant. Please consult the supplying retail dealership.
The refrigerant used in the air-conditioning unit is safe. It will not leak under normal operating conditions but if it leaks into the room and contacts a
heat source such as a heater, or stove, it may cause a harmful reaction.
When water or other foreign substances enter the internal parts, stop operating the unit immediately and turn off the circuit breaker.
Operating the unit continuously may cause re or electric shock. Please contact the supplying retail dealership for repair.
Do not clean the inside of the air-conditioning unit yourself. Please request internal cleaning of the air-conditioning unit from the supplying retail
dealership. Incorrect cleaning may cause breakage of resin parts or insulation defects of electrical parts, causing water leakage, electric shock or re.
Do not damage or modify the power cable. Do not connect the cable midway, or use a multiple outlet extension cord that is shared by other devices.
Failure to do so may cause re.
Do not place heavy objects on the power cable, expose it to heat, or pull it. To do so may cause electrical shock or re.
Do not expose your body directly to cool air for a long time.
Do not insert your nger or any article into the air inlet/outlet.
Ensure that drained water is discharged. When the discharging water process is not suf cient, water may leak, causing water damage to furniture.
To check that the installation method used is correct, please contact the supplying retail dealership or the professional vendor who installed the unit.
If the indoor unit piping outlet is exposed due to relocation, close the opening, Touching internal electrical parts may cause injury or electric shock.
Do not wash the main air-conditioning unit with water. It may cause an electric shock.
Do not place any containers such as a vase containing uid on the unit. It might cause water to enter the unit and deteriorate the electrical insulation,
causing an electric shock.
When using the unit in a closed room, or operating with other combustion appliances, make sure to open a window occasionally for ventilation.
Insuf cient ventilation may cause suffocation due to a lack of oxygen.
Do not use combustion appliances in the direct ow of the air from the air-conditioning unit. Poor combustion of a combustion appliance may cause
Avoid operating for long periods in a high humidity environment (over 80%) such as with the windows or doors open. There may be condensation on
the indoor unit and droplets may fall onto the furniture.
When the unit won’t be used for a long time, turn off the main switch or the circuit breaker.
At least once a year check if the mounting table of the outdoor unit is damaged or not. If a damaged state is ignored, the unit may fall or over-turn,
causing an injury.
Stand on a sturdy ladder when attaching/detaching the front panel/air lter/air cleaning lter. Failure to do so may cause a fall or injury.
Do not stand on the outdoor unit or place anything on the unit. It may be the cause of injury due to falling or over-turning.
Any damage to the unit may cause an electric shock or re.
Do not place anything around the outdoor unit or allow fallen leaves to accumulate around it. If there are fallen leaves, small animals could enter and
contact internal electrical parts, causing a failure or re.
Do not place animals and plants in places where wind from the air-conditioning unit ows directly. It may have a negative in uence on the animal or
Do not use for special applications such as storage of food or animals, or to display plants, precision devices, or art objects.
Do not use on ships or in other vehicles. It may cause a failure in the air-conditioning unit. In addition, it may damage these items.
Do not place other electrical appliances or furniture under the unit. Water droplets might fall, causing damage or failure.
When performing maintenance, you must stop operating the unit and turn off the circuit breaker. Since the fan inside may be rotating at high speed,
it may cause an injury.
After the front panel/air lter is cleaned, wipe away any water and allow to dry. If water remains, it may cause an electric shock.
Once the front panel is removed, do not touch the metal parts (aluminum ns, etc.) of the unit. It may cause an injury.
When you hear thunder and there might be a lightning strike, stop operating the unit and disconnect the circuit breaker. If lightning strikes, it may
cause a failure.
• Batteries for remote control unit:
- Should be inserted with correct polarity (+) and (-).
- Should not be recharged.
- Do not use batteries for which the “Recommended usage period” has expired.
- Do not keep used batteries inside the remote control unit.
- Do not mix different types of batteries, or mix new batteries with old ones.
- Do not directly solder the batteries.
- Do not short-circuit, disassemble, heat, or throw batteries into a re. If batteries are not disposed of correctly, they may burst or be the cause of uid leakage,
resulting in burns or injuries. If touching the uid, wash thoroughly with water. If it touches devices, wipe off to avoid direct contact.
- Do not place within reach of small children. If a battery is swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.
• When you press CLOCK , CHECK , FILTER and RESET button, do not let any foreign substances enter and remain inside of the remote control.
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 2.56 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



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Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Toshiba RAS-4M23SAV-E Klimatska naprava. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Toshiba RAS-4M23SAV-E Klimatska naprava. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Toshiba. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Toshiba RAS-4M23SAV-E Klimatska naprava v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Toshiba
Model RAS-4M23SAV-E
Kategorija Klimatske naprave
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 2.56 MB

Vsi priročniki za Toshiba Klimatske naprave
Več priročnikov za Klimatske naprave

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Toshiba RAS-4M23SAV-E Klimatska naprava

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Kako pogosto naj očistim ali zamenjam filtre v klimatski napravi? Potrjeno

Priporočamo, da filtre v klimatski napravi preverjate štirikrat letno.Umazane filtre lahko očistite s pomočjo sesalnika ali pa jih operete, kar je odvisno od vrste filtra.Med vzdrževanjem mora strokovnjak oceniti, ali je čas za zamenjavo filtrov.

To je bilo koristno (2746) Preberi več

Kaj pomeni BTU? Potrjeno

BTU pomeni britanska toplotna enota. Ta enota označuje sposobnost hlajenja.

To je bilo koristno (986) Preberi več

Ali vsaka klimatska naprava deluje tudi kot razvlaževalnik zraka? Potrjeno

Hladen zrak, ki ga proizvaja klimatska naprava, ima pogosto relativno nizko vlago. Vendar je učinek manjši kot pri uporabi dejanskega vlažilca. Nekatere klimatske naprave imajo posebno funkcijo razvlaževanja zraka.

To je bilo koristno (751) Preberi več

Kaj je R-410A? Potrjeno

R-410A je hladilno sredstvo, ki se uporablja v napravah, ki se ohladijo do 0 ° C, kot so hladilniki in klimatske naprave. Je zamenjava starejših hladilnih sredstev in ne poškoduje ozonske plasti.

To je bilo koristno (517) Preberi več

Ali klimatska naprava negativno vpliva na kakovost zraka? Potrjeno

Če je klimatska naprava pravilno vzdrževana, to ne bo vplivalo na kakovost zraka. Če na primer filter že dolgo ni bil zamenjan ali ni bilo opravljeno drugo vzdrževanje, lahko klimatska naprava proizvaja umazan zrak.

To je bilo koristno (371) Preberi več

Kako najbolje namestiti notranjo enoto razdeljene klimatske naprave? Potrjeno

To je odvisno od prostora, vendar je na splošno mogoče upoštevati naslednja pravila. Prepričajte se, da nič ne ovira pretoka zraka. Poskrbite, da je lokacija dostopna za vzdrževanje. Enoto namestite vsaj 2 metra od tal.

To je bilo koristno (369) Preberi več

Ali lahko svojo mobilno klimatsko napravo postavim v omarico, da jo odstranim izpred oči? Potrjeno

Ne, absolutno ne. Mobilna klimatska naprava potrebuje prostor za pretok zraka in dovod zraka. V majhnem prostoru se naprava lahko pregreje.

To je bilo koristno (368) Preberi več

Kako dolgo lahko pričakujem, da bo trajala moja klimatska naprava Toshiba? Potrjeno

To je močno odvisno od modela, uporabe in vzdrževanja, vendar v običajnih pogojih Toshiba trdi, da bi morali njihovi sistemi trajati 12-15 let.

To je bilo koristno (41) Preberi več
Priročnik Toshiba RAS-4M23SAV-E Klimatska naprava

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