Priročnik Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 3 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 1 komentar in 2 glasov s povprečno oceno izdelka 0/100. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

Ali je vaš izdelek okvarjen in v priročniku ne najdete rešitve? Obiščite Repair Café za brezplačno popravilo.



The models with no suction motor only operate in ducting
mode, and must be connected to an external suction device
(not supplied).
The connecting instructions are supplied with the peripheral
suction unit.
Fig. 3
The minimum distance between the supporting surface for the
cooking equipment on the hob and the lowest part of the
range hood must be not less than 50cm from electric cookers
and 65cm from gas or mixed cookers.
If the instructions for installation for the gas hob specify a
greater distance, this must be adhered to.
Electrical connection
The mains power supply must correspond to the rating
indicated on the plate situated inside the hood. If provided with
a plug connect the hood to a socket in compliance with current
regulations and positioned in an accessible area, after
installation. If it not fitted with a plug (direct mains connection)
or if the plug is not located in an accessible area, after
installation, apply a double pole switch in accordance with
standards which assures the complete disconnection of the
mains under conditions relating to over-current category III, in
accordance with installation instructions.
Warning! Before re-connecting the hood circuit to the mains
supply and checking the efficient function, always check that
the mains cable is correctly assembled.
Expansion wall plugs are provided to secure the hood to most
types of walls/ceilings. However, a qualified technician must
verify suitability of the materials in accordance with the type of
wall/ceiling. The wall/ceiling must be strong enough to take
the weight of the hood. Do not tile, grout or silicone this
appliance to the wall. Surface mounting only.
The hood is fitted with a control panel with aspiration speed
selection control and a light switch to control cooking area
Use the high suction speed in cases of concentrated kitchen
vapours. It is recommended that the cooker hood suction is
switched on for 5 minutes prior to cooking and to leave in
operation during cooking and for another 15 minutes
approximately after terminating cooking.
ATTENTION! Before performing any maintenance operation,
isolate the hood from the electrical supply by switching off at
the connector and removing the connector fuse.
Or if the appliance has been connected through a plug and
socket, then the plug must be removed from the socket.
The cooker hood should be cleaned regularly (at least with the
same frequency with which you carry out maintenance of the
fat filters) internally and externally. Clean using the cloth
dampened with neutral liquid detergent. Do not use abrasive
WARNING: Failure to carry out the basic cleaning
recommendations of the cooker hood and replacement of the
filters may cause fire risks.
Therefore, we recommend observing these instructions.
The manufacturer declines all responsibility for any damage to
the motor or any fire damage linked to inappropriate
maintenance or failure to observe the above safety
Grease filter
Traps cooking grease particles.
The grease filter must be cleaned once a month using non
aggressive detergents, either by hand or in the dishwasher,
which must be set to a low temperature and a short cycle.
When washed in a dishwasher, the grease filter may discolour
slightly, but this does not affect its filtering capacity.
To remove the grease filter, pull the spring release handle.
Fig. 1
Charcoal filter (filter version only)
Fig. 2
It absorbs unpleasant odours caused by cooking.
The saturation of the charcoal filter occurs after more or less
prolonged use, depending on the type of cooking and the
regularity of cleaning of the grease filter.
In any case it is necessary to replace the cartridge at least
every four mounths.
The charcoal filter may NOT be washed or regenerated.
Remove the grease filters.
Fit the charcoalfilters over the motor.
Align the pins R on the cowl with the slots S, then turn the
filter clockwise until it locks in place.
Reverse the above procedure to remove the charcoal filters.
Refit the grease filters.
Replacing lamps
Fig. 1
Disconnect the hood from the electricity.
Warning! Prior to touching the light bulbs ensure they are
cooled down.
Remove cover A to access the lamp housing A.
If the lights do not work, make sure that the lamps are fitted
properly into their housings before you call for technical
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 2.76 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



Povejte nam, kaj menite o Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa, tako da oddate oceno izdelka. Ali želite deliti svoje izkušnje z izdelkom ali postaviti vprašanje? Oddajte komentar na dnu strani.
Ali ste zadovoljni z Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa?
Da Ne
2 glasovi

Pridružite se pogovoru o tem izdelku

Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Reg C 06-04-2020
Zakaj ni priročnika o upravljanju vašega Missy LX?

odgovori | To je bilo koristno (0) (Prevedel Google)

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Elica. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Elica
Model Missy
Kategorija Kuhinjske nape
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 2.76 MB

Vsi priročniki za Elica Kuhinjske nape
Več priročnikov za Kuhinjske nape

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Koliko razdalje naj bo med napo in kuhalno ploščo? Potrjeno

To je odvisno od blagovne znamke, toda na splošno velja, da naj bo napa vsaj 65 centimetrov nad plinsko kuhalno ploščo in vsaj 50 centimetrov nad električno ali indukcijsko kuhalno ploščo.To je namenjeno večji požarni varnosti.

To je bilo koristno (1221) Preberi več

Ali potrebujem kuhinjsko napo z ali brez motorja? Potrjeno

Kuhinjske nape z motorjem so namenjene, kadar se zrak premika neposredno zunaj. Kuhinjska napa brez motorja je namenjena, kadar obstaja centralni prezračevalni sistem. Kuhinjske nape z motorjem nikoli ne priključite na centralni prezračevalni sistem!

To je bilo koristno (642) Preberi več

Kako pogosto naj zamenjam premogovni filter v kuhinjski napa Elica? Potrjeno

Ogleni filter se blokira, na primer zaradi maščobe pri kuhanju. Za zagotovitev optimalnih rezultatov Elica priporoča zamenjavo filtra za oglje vsake 3 mesece.

To je bilo koristno (236) Preberi več
Priročnik Elica Missy Kuhinjska napa

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