Priročnik Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj

Potrebujete priročnik za vaš Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj? Spodaj si lahko brezplačno ogledate in prenesete PDF priročnik v slovenščini. Ta izdelek ima trenutno 12 pogosto zastavljeni vprašanji, 0 komentarjev in ima 0 glasov. Če to ni priročnik, ki ga želite, nas kontaktirajte.

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Follow the instructions on the symbols of the garments wash
care label. The value indicated in the symbol is the maximum
recommended temperature for washing the garment.
Cycle designed to wash cotton garments. During the last phase of the
cycle garments will be treated with steam, that will relax the bres.
Use the special wash cycle to wash shirts in dierent fabrics and colours
to guarantee they receive the best possible care. During the last phase of
the cycle garments will be treated with steam, that will relax the bres.
A 30°C short cycle designed to wash a mixed load of cotton and
synthetics fabrics, recommended for the use of PODS detergent.
Wool - Wool Care
The wool wash cycle of this machine has been approved by
The Woolmark Company for the washing of machine washable
wool products provided that the products are washed
according to the instructions on the garment label and those
issued by the manufacturer of this washing machine. The
Woolmark symbol is a Certication mark in many countries.
For washing lightly soiled cotton garments, at a temperature of 20 °C.
Suitable for washing towels, underwear, table cloths, etc. made of
resistant linen and cotton that are moderately to heavily soiled.
Specic for synthetic items. If the dirt is dicult to remove, the temperature
can be increased up to 60° and powder detergent can be used too.
A 40°C cycle for washing cotton and synthetic garments together.
Suitable for lightly soiled underwear.
Eco 40-60
For washing normally soiled cotton garments declared to be washable at 40 °C
or 60 °C, together in the same cycle. This is the standard cotton programme
and the most ecient in terms of water and energy consumption.
! As specied, this wash cycle only runs at 40 °C.
For heavily soiled whites and resistant colours.
Rapid 20min
Allows for varying the garment treatment duration from 20’ to 60’.
- 20’: this cycle refreshes your garments in just 20 minutes.
- 45’: a short cycle designed for washing mixed cotton-synthetic
- 60’: this cycle is designed to wash moderately soiled resistant cotton
garments at 60°C in an hour, with good washing performance. For
synthetic or mixed garments, the temperature should be lowered to 40°C.
Full Load 45 min
Suitable for washing a full load of cotton clothes moderately soiled in 45
For washing clothing padded with goose down, such as double or single
duvets (weighing under 3,5 kg), cushions or down jackets. Duvets should
be loaded into the drum with their edges folded inwards and no more
than ¾ of the total drum volume should be used up. For best results, it is
advisable to use liquid detergent to be poured into the detergent drawer.
Delicates 30°C
Suitable for washing very delicate garments. It is advisable to turn the
garments inside out before washing them. For best results, use liquid
detergent on delicate garments.
Rinse + Spin
Designed for rinsing and spinning.
Spin + Drain
Designed to spin and drain the water.
The display is useful when programming the machine and provides a lot
of information.
C (see “Options”)
The duration of the available wash cycles and the remaining time of a
running cycle appear in section A; if the Delayed Start option has been
set, the countdown to the start of the selected cycle will appear.
Pressing the corresponding button allows for viewing the maximum spin
speed and temperature values attained by the machine during the set
wash cycle, or the values selected most recently, if these are compatible
with the set wash cycle.
The hourglass ashes while the machine processes the data on the basis
of the selected cycle. After a maximum of 10 minutes, the icon remains
steady lit and the nal time remaining is displayed. The hourglass” icon
will then switch o approximately 1 minute after the nal time remaining
has been displayed.
The “washing phases” relative to the selected cycle and the “washing
phase” of the running cycle appear in section B:
When lit, the symbol indicates that the set “Delayed Start value has
appeared on the display.
There are three levels in section C relative to the washing options.
When lit, the symbol indicates that the door is locked. To prevent any
damage, wait until the symbol turns o before opening the door.
To open the door while a cycle is in progress, press the START/PAUSE
button ; if the symbol is o, the door can be opened.
Once the appliance has been installed, and before it is used for the rst
time, run a wash cycle with detergent and no laundry, by setting the
Auto-Clean cycle.
Prepare the laundry by following the suggestions appearing under the
Rapid programming
- Press the ON/OFF button ; the START/PAUSE indicator light will
ash slowly green.
- Open the door. Load the laundry while making sure not to exceed the
maximum load quantity indicated in the cycle table.
- Pull out the detergent dispenser drawer and pour the detergent into the
relevant compartments as described in “DETERGENT DISPENSER DRAWER”
- Close the door.
Press the PUSH & GO button.
The machine will lock the door ( symbol on) and the drum will start to
rotate; the door will be unlocked ( symbol o) and then locked again
( symbol on) as preparation phase of each washing cycle. The “Clicking”
noise is part of the door locking mechanism. Water will enter the drum
and start the washing phase once the door is locked.
Traditional programming
- Press the ON/OFF button ; the START/PAUSE indicator light will
ash slowly green.
- Open the door. Load the laundry while making sure not to exceed the
maximum load quantity indicated in the Wash Cycle Table.
- Pull out the detergent dispenser drawer and pour the detergent into the
relevant compartments as described in “DETERGENT DISPENSER DRAWER”
- Close the door.
- Use the WASH CYCLE selector knob to select the desired wash cycle: it
will be associated with a specic temperature and spin speed that can be
modied. The duration of the cycle will appear on the display.
- Modify the temperature and/or spin speed: the machine automatically
displays the maximum temperature and spin speed values set for the
selected cycle, or the most recently-used settings if they are compatible
with the selected cycle. Pressing the button gradually reduces the
temperature down to the cold wash “OFF” setting. Pressing the button
gradually reduces the spin speed until it is completely excluded (“OFF”
setting). Pressing these buttons again restores the maximum values.
- Select the desired options.
Press the START/PAUSE button.
The machine will lock the door ( symbol on) and the drum will start to
rotate; the door will be unlocked ( symbol o) and then locked again
( symbol on) as preparation phase of each washing cycle. The “Clicking”
noise is part of the door locking mechanism. Water will enter the drum
and start the washing phase once the door is locked.
To pause the wash cycle, press the START/PAUSE button again; the
indicator light will ash amber. If the symbol is not lit, the door may be
opened. To start the wash cycle from the point at which it was
interrupted, press the START/PAUSE button again.
Once a cycle starts, the symbol turns on to signal that the door cannot
be opened. While a wash cycle is running, the door remains locked. To
open the door while a cycle is under way, for example, to add or remove
garments, press the START/PAUSE button to pause the cycle; the
indicator light will ash amber. If the symbol is not lit, the door may be
opened. Press the START/PAUSE button again to continue the cycle.
Prenesi priročnik v slovenščini (PDF, 13.98 MB)
(Upoštevajte okolje in natisnite ta priročnik le, če je res potrebno)



Povejte nam, kaj menite o Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj, tako da oddate oceno izdelka. Ali želite deliti svoje izkušnje z izdelkom ali postaviti vprašanje? Oddajte komentar na dnu strani.
Ali ste zadovoljni z Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj?
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0 glasovi

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Tukaj lahko delite svoje mnenje o Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj. Če imate vprašanje, najprej natančno preberite priročnik. Zahtevo za priročnik lahko opravite z uporabo našega kontaktnega obrazca.

Več o tem priročniku

Zavedamo se, da je lepo imeti papirni priročnik za vaš Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj. Priročnik lahko vedno prenesete z naše spletne strani in ga natisnete sami. Če želite imeti originalni priročnik, priporočamo, da kontaktirate Indesit. Morda bodo lahko zagotovili originalni priročnik. Ali iščete priročnik za vaš Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj v drugem jeziku? Na naši domači strani izberite želeni jezik in poiščite številko modela, da preverite, ali je na voljo.


Blagovna znamka Indesit
Model BWE 81295X WV EE
Kategorija Pralni stroji
Vrsta datoteke PDF
Velikost datoteke 13.98 MB

Vsi priročniki za Indesit Pralni stroji
Več priročnikov za Pralni stroji

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj

Naša podporna ekipa išče uporabne informacije o izdelkih in odgovore na pogosta vprašanja. Če v pogosto postavljenih vprašanjih odkrijete nenatančnost, nam to sporočite prek obrazca za stik.

Ko pritisnem gumb za zagon, se moj pralni stroj ne zažene. Kaj lahko storim? Potrjeno

V mnogih primerih se vrata pralnega stroja niso pravilno zaprla. Odprite in zaprite vrata in poskusite znova.

To je bilo koristno (23612) Preberi več

Moj pralni stroj se ne bo izpraznil, kaj lahko storim? Potrjeno

Glavni razlog, da pralni stroj ne odteče, je blokada črpalke ali odtočne cevi. Če ima vaš pralni stroj dostop do teh delov, poskusite odstraniti morebitne blokade. Če to ne reši težave ali če nimate dostopa do teh delov, se obrnite na mehanika ali proizvajalca.

To je bilo koristno (22824) Preberi več

V moj pralni stroj ne doteka voda. Kaj naj naredim? Potrjeno

Preverite, ali je priključek za vodo odprt in ali je cev za vodo prosto pretočna.Če to ne odpravi težave, se obrnite na proizvajalca.

To je bilo koristno (9053) Preberi več

Vrata mojega pralnega stroja se ne bodo odprla, kaj lahko storim? Potrjeno

Vzrokov je lahko več. Najpogostejši vzrok je zamašen filter. Izključite aparat in preverite filter. Po potrebi odstranite morebitne blokade. Lokacija filtra je odvisna od modela. Možno je tudi, da obstaja poseben vzvod za odpiranje vrat. Če te možnosti ne pomagajo, je zadnja možnost, da aparat odklopite za 30–60 minut in po tem poskusite odpreti vrata. Če to ne deluje, se obrnite na proizvajalca ali mehanika.

To je bilo koristno (7648) Preberi več

Moj pralni stroj je zelo glasen in/ali oddaja glasne tresljaje. Kaj lahko naredim? Potrjeno

Obstaja možnost, da pralni stroj ne stoji naravnost.To lahko popravite tako, da prilagodite noge stroja, da bo stal naravnost.To težavo lahko povzroči tudi preveč oblačil v stroju.Če omenjeno ni vzrok vaše težave, se obrnite na proizvajalca.

To je bilo koristno (6514) Preberi več

V kateri predelek naj gre detergent? Potrjeno

Večina pralnih strojev ima 3 predelke za detergent. Ti predeli so pogosto označeni z I, II in *, da prikažejo, kam gre detergent. Predelek I se uporablja za cikel predpranja, II je za glavni cikel pranja in * je za mehčalec. Oddelek II se najpogosteje uporablja.

To je bilo koristno (4521) Preberi več

Moj pralni stroj diši, kaj lahko storim glede tega? Potrjeno

Obstajajo pralni stroji s samočistilnimi funkcijami. Če te funkcije niso na voljo, lahko dodate 100 ml belega kisa ali 100 g kristalov sode in pralni stroj zažene program 90 ℃.

To je bilo koristno (3748) Preberi več

Ali lahko pralni stroj priključim na priključek s toplo vodo? Potrjeno

Čeprav pralni stroji verjetno lahko prenesejo dovod tople vode (do 65 °C), tega večina proizvajalcev ne priporoča.Obstajajo pralni cikli, ki so namenjeni izrecno za hladno vodo.V teh primerih lahko ima uporaba tople vode negativen vpliv na rezultate pranja.Poleg tega je veliko pralnih strojev zasnovanih za priklop na hladno vodo.

To je bilo koristno (2879) Preberi več

Na kaj moram biti pozoren pri premikanju pralnega stroja? Potrjeno

Ko premikate pralni stroj, zavarujte boben. Uporabite lahko tranzitni vijak, ki je priložen vsakemu pralnemu stroju in preprečuje premikanje bobna znotraj stroja. Prav tako morate izprazniti vso vodo.

To je bilo koristno (1457) Preberi več

Ali lahko naložim sušilni in pralni stroj? Potrjeno

Na splošno je mogoče sušilni in pralni stroj zložiti neposredno drug na drugega. To deluje samo pri modelih s sprednjim nakladanjem. Vendar je za to priporočljivo uporabiti ustrezen dodatek. To bo preprečilo vibriranje in padanje strojev, prav tako pa tudi poškodbe spodnjega stroja.

To je bilo koristno (1159) Preberi več

Kakšna je razlika med uporabo pralno-sušilnega stroja in ločenega pralnega in sušilnega stroja? Potrjeno

Največja prednost pralno-sušilnega stroja je, da zavzame manj prostora. Vendar pa bo ločen sušilni stroj lahko sušil več kot pralno-sušilni stroj. Pralno-sušilni stroj prav tako porabi razmeroma več energije in zahteva več časa.

To je bilo koristno (1158) Preberi več

Ali lahko pralni stroj priključim na podaljšek? Potrjeno

Naprave, ki zahtevajo veliko energije, na primer pralni stroj, ni mogoče priključiti na vse podaljške. Oglejte si, kakšna je poraba energije pralnega stroja, ki je označena v vatih, in preverite, ali lahko podaljški to rešijo. Obstajajo podaljški z debelejšimi kabli, namenjeni za uporabo večjih naprav.

To je bilo koristno (1157) Preberi več
Priročnik Indesit BWE 81295X WV EE Pralni stroj

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